Liver Loving Beet Slaw

One of the many things I learned during my NTC training is that it is very important to keep our liver working to the best of its ability.  The liver has hundreds of functions that is responsible for performing on a daily basis!!  Let’s take a look a couple of them today.

One of the main functions of the liver is to produce bile, a substance that emulsifies the fat we consume so that it came be used by the body to build our cells and hormones.  Bile needs to be thin and vicious so that is can be easily transported to the gallbladder for storage and then released into the small intestine when it is needed.

Additionally, the liver is key to detoxification. Toxins are processed and bound to other elements in the liver so that they can be expelled from the body.  The two main pathways of detoxification are phase 1 and phase 2, each processing different toxins.  A healthy liver means that these phases are working properly to remove these toxins that we come in contact with on a regular basis from our food and environment.  The liver can become congested when we overburden it by eating poor quality fats, consuming too much alcohol, and from the chemicals that are in household cleaners, our personal care items and the pesticides that are sprayed on most conventionally grow produce….just to name a few sources.

This beet slaw is a great real food way to help support the liver in its daily duties, along with the gallbladder.  Let me break it down for you.

  • Beets contains phytonutrients that support liver function, especially Phase 2 detoxification.  When eaten daily, beets also promote regular bowl movements which will ensure toxins are being removed from the body. Just a word of caution if you do add this daily, it is very possible that your poop will be purple!
  • Flax oil provides a source of Omega-3 fat, including a variety of fat in the diet is important for keeping bile thin, making it easy for it to flow from the liver to gallbladder to the small intestine….remember, we need bile to breakdown our dietary fats.
  • The lemon juice provides a large amount of vitamin C which attracts heavy metals and carries them out of the body.  The oil from the peel contains a D-limonene, a compound that stimulate both Phase 1 and 2 detox pathways.
  • Parsley also contains ample amounts of vitamin C, as well as riboflavin(B2) which is also plays a role in breaking down nutrients.
  • Cilantro will also eliminate heavy metal from the body like lemon.

Ginger does not have as a direct correlation with liver function but does help reduces inflammation which promotes overall wellness.  It is also a good digestive aide and will stimulate stomach acid production.  For those reasons, and because I enjoy the zesty kick it lends, I have included it in this recipe.

Beet Slaw

2 large raw beets

2 carrots

1 green apple

1-1 1/2 lemon, juiced

2 tablespoon cold-pressed flax seed oil

1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger

fresh chopped parsley or cilantro, optional

Grate the beets, carrots & apple into a serving bowl.  Add remaining ingredient and stir well.

It’s that simple!  Sometimes the beets are dryer and soak up a lot of lemon juice and oil so be sure to give it a taste and add more if needed.  I suggest enjoying 1/2 a cup of this salad daily to help support the liver…but feel free to have up to 2 cups daily.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!!

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