21DSD week 1 review

So I have week 1 of the 21 Day Sugar Detox in the books!  I have done this program before so it is not a totally new journey for new but it has been a little different since I am pregnant this time around.

I am having to watch my intake of real food carbs a little closer then I did we doing the detox back in January.  By this I mean that I am having to make sure I include a good portion of carbs each day.  I am doing this by including either a green apple or green-tipped banana each day and a portion of potato at most meals, usually a half to a full cup.  A couple of times I had fried plantains instead…you know, for variety!

The menu for last was pretty simple.  I stuck with some basics and tried a couple new things.  Below you will find a few of the meals I ate last week.

I had some form of leftover every day for lunch…like I always do.  I kept a jar of nuts handy for those time I needed just a little something to tied me over until lunch.  For my afternoon snack, I have a hardboiled egg and some raw veggies.

The first couple of days were tough ones!  I had been pretty heavy on the sugary carbs for a few weeks leading up to the detox…you know, pregnant ladies and ice cream!!  I cut my real food carbs down too far too quick so I was extra tired, sort of cranky, and my body was hurting.  All of this took place on the first day so I adjusted my supper that night to include some potatoes.  That small change help me to feel better the next day.  It is also a primed example of how listening to your body, can help you to feel your best.  I didn’t have to up my carbs by much to see an improvement.

As the week progressed, so did how I was feeling!!  By the end of the week, I was feeling pretty spry!  I was able to adjust the amount of carbs back down some at each meal, still keeping an eye on how I felt so I didn’t go to low.  Heck, by the weekend I was even able to have a breakfast heavier in fats and went a good 6 hours before eating again.  This is an indication that my body is switching back over to being a fat burner, instead of a carb/sugar burner.  When the body makes this switch, it will use the fat that is consumed and have on the body as fuel.  Converting fat to fuel is a easier conversion for the body to make.  So we all want to be fat burners!!

I also had a linger patch of dry skin on my face that went away within a few days.  It was hanging around because of the sugar I was eating.  Once I removed that, my skin was much happier.

The start of week 2 has well good as well.  I have had great energy today.  I will be honest and say that I have had some digestive upset but I am nearly certain that it is a pregnancy related issues and not a food issue.  I am going to keep an eye on it though.

I wanted to share this weeks meal plan with you so that you get a few more ideas of what foods are allows on the 21DSD.

Monday – Hamburger, salad and roast sweet potato

Tuesday –  Chicken Taco Bowls with Cauliflower Rice

Wednesday – Pork steaks, mango slaw, & brown rice

Thursday – Flank steak with cauliflower rice

Friday – TBD

Breakfast – eggs & bacon or Apple Cinnamon Muffins from 21DSD Daily Guide & bacon

Lunch – variety of leftover protein with salad or slaw and potato

If you wish to follow my experience more closely, join me on Facebook or Instagram.  There I am posting more updates, tips & tricks, and suggested food swaps.

Keep in mind that my journey is going to look different then journey if you choose to take on the 21 DSD.  We all have different sets of need to fuel the body, a different way of currently eating and will go through different sets of adjustments during the detox.  As a I coach, I can help you navigate the changes, adjust your food as needed all while cheering you on and being your support!!  Please reach out to me with any question you have.

Have a great week!!





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